Wednesday 5 July 2017

Top 5 SMO Rules


1. Increase your linkability - this is the first and most important priority for your site. Many sites are "static", which means they are rarely updated and used only for stores. In order to optimize social media sites, we need to add content to linkability. Adding a blog is a great step, but there are many other ways to create white papers and ideas, and even simply mix the contents of other places into a useful format.

2. Make labels and bookmarks simple - adding the quick button to the content added to "" is a way to make the page markup page easier, but we go beyond this page, which contains the relevant The list of tabs, the suggested link comments (when you automatically mark the site), and make sure to mark our web pages on popular social bookmarking sites (including not just the home page).

3. Incentive Inbound Link - Inbound, usually used as a blog (and website), inbound links are critical to search results and overall rankings. In order to encourage more people, we need to make it easy and provide a clear return. Use the fixed link to re-create the same, list the latest links on your site blog, you can provide visibility to the user's links

4. Help your content travel - Unlike most SEO, SMO training and services are not just about making changes to the site. When you have portable content (such as PDF, video files, and audio files), submitting it to the relevant website will help you further travel your content and eventually push the link back to your site.

5. Encourage the mix - in the co-creation of the world, let others put your content (in reasonable content) more open. YouTube offers the idea of cutting and pasting code so that you can embed videos from its website to drive it to grow. Integrating content with RSS also allows others to easily create mashups that can increase traffic or add content.